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Case Study:
Full-Stack Mock Banking Application: Bad Bank

Full-Stack Mock Banking Application: Bad Bank

Bad Bank is a mock banking application that I developed as part of my Professional Certificate in Full Stack Development with MERN Stack from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The purpose of this project was to demonstrate my full-stack web development skills using modern technologies.

The application is built using ViteJS with React and TypeScript, and leverages Firebase for Auth and Firestore for database management. Mantine components are used to create a modern and sleek user interface that enhances the overall user experience.

Bad Bank allows users to create accounts, deposit and withdraw fictional money, and view all transactions made by other users. The app includes a login page, create account page, deposit page, withdraw page, and an All Data page that displays all user data, including email, password, balance, and transaction history.

While Bad Bank is a mock banking application with no security measures in place, it showcases my proficiency in developing full-stack web applications using the latest technologies. The source code is publicly available on my GitHub repository, providing potential employers with a chance to assess my coding skills.

Contact me to learn more about this project and how it demonstrates my expertise in full-stack development using modern technologies like ViteJS, React, TypeScript, Firebase, Firestore, and Mantine components.

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